Jaket Re:Zero – Natsuki Subaru with Embroidery HQ



Material : Diadora Sport Kombinasi
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Harga tercantum untuk 5 ukuran : (w x h)

Ukuran tersedia :
– S (LD = 52 cm, h = 62 cm, panjang lengan = 57 cm)
– M (LD = 54 cm, h = 64 cm, panjang lengan = 58 cm)
– L (LD = 56 cm, h = 67 cm, panjang lengan = 60 cm)
– XL (LD = 58 cm, h = 68 cm, panjang lengan = 61 cm)
– XXL (LD = 62 cm, h = 70 cm, panjang lengan = 62 cm)

w = width = lebar baju kiri ke kanan, diukur pada saat baju diletakkan flat di permukaan datar
h = height = tinggi baju atas ke bawah, diukur pada saat baju diletakkan flat di permukaan datar


Subaru Natsuki tiba-tiba dipindahkan ke sebuah dunia lain. Tanpa mengetahui siapa yang memindahkan dirinya, Subaru berteman dengan seorang gadis setengah elf berambut perak. Saat dia dan gadis tersebut secara misterius terbunuh, Subaru terbangun dan menyadari bahwa dirinya mendapatkan kemampuan “Return by Death”, memungkinkan dirinya kembali ke waktu sebelum ia meninggal dunia.


Subaru Natsuki (ナツキ・スバルNatsuki Subaru)
Voiced by: Yūsuke Kobayashi[1] (Japanese); Sean Chiplock[2] (English)
The main protagonist of the series, Subaru is a 17-year-old NEET who suddenly finds himself transported to another world on his way home from the convenience store. There, he meets a silver-haired half-elf girl named Emilia, and falls deeply in love with her. Upon his arrival, Subaru acquires an ability which he calls “Return by Death” (死に戻りShinimodori), that allows him to go back in time when he dies, while still retaining his memories of the previous timeline. He cannot tell anyone about this ability, because any attempt to do so causes him to black out momentarily as unseen hands emerge to squeeze his heart, and may even kills those around him; it also causes him to give off the “scent of the Jealous Witch”, which attracts “mabeasts” (magical creatures), and is repulsive to those who can detect it. Despite being ordinary, Subaru did work out occasionally and seems to know basic hand-to-hand combat, making him not entirely powerless. He also shows some aptitude for Yin magic, but only at a very basic level. In Arc 3, he officially receives a black ground dragon named Patrasche as his personal steed. In Arc 4 of the web novel, along with entering a contract with Beatrice, Subaru also learns parkour and the use of whips as a weapon for several months, making him stronger. As of the end of Arc 4, Subaru officially becomes Emilia’s knight.
The character won the Best Character (Male) award in the 2015–2016 Newtype Anime Awards.[3]

Informasi Tambahan

Berat 500 g
Dimensi 30 × 30 × 5 cm